Impressive Statistics About Homework and How Students Deal with It
It is a well-known fact that students today have at least twice as much assigned writing as their parents used to. The question of “why is it so?” is irrelevant. The reason is obvious – the more written assignments we complete, the better our thinking, reasoning and writing skills become. Writing teaches us to analyze, structure our thoughts in a certain way, form logical connections and draw well-founded conclusions. There are much more interesting questions here, in particular “how? and “what?” How can students cope with so much writing without having their performance level suffer? How should they organize their schedule to have time to do everything? What resources can students use to get the help they need so much?
Trying to answer these questions, we carried out a small, off-the-record opinion poll among 1000 7-12th graders. Our purpose was to find out is it true that too much homework causes stress, how students cope with their writing tasks and manage the related pressure, which resources they use and what time management techniques they find efficient.
We hope this article and the stats it contains will help you become more efficient at homework-doing and possibly adopt some skills to make the writing process much more pleasant.
Too Much Homework Statistics. Is It a Problem for Students?
So, the statistics say that:
- About 45% of student aged 12 to 18 agree with the statement “I have too much homework and not enough time” and say they receive more writing assignments than they can complete within the specified deadline.
- Another 23% think they could regularly do all of their written assignments if they were better at managing their time and had various writing techniques taught to them at school.
- 12% of the surveyed students believe their homework load to be adequate and within their abilities.
- 10% of all students who participated in the poll say the amount of their homework was OK, but they would prefer to do it in class with their teacher or under the supervision of an online professional.
- The remaining 10% say (we have our reasons to assume they were partly joking) that they would not mind having more homework assigned on specific subjects.
Resume: the amount of writing homework given to a student is generally fine. However, more stress should be placed upon teaching students effective writing, time-management, and organizational skills.
Do Students Need Extra Writing Help?
Another question we were trying to answer is how much help with their writing assignments today’s students require and where they go looking for it.
Before we started this whole survey thing, we wanted to make sure there was anything to look for. So we googled a few questions first to find out whether or not students seek essay writing help online and even tried to contact some online writing agencies to clear up the situation.
This was what we found:
- 963,000 results for “do my homework for money”;
- 53,600 results for “do homework for money”;
- 490,000 results for “writing help service”;
- 2 360 000 results for “write my paper for me”.
Obviously, these figures cannot be accurate enough to draw conclusions, but they gave us enough evidence to claim there was a strong demand for the writing assistance that students are ready to pay for.
Our survey focused on the two questions that we were most interested in: do students use external help when doing homework and writing essays? What kind of help they use?
It appears that:
- 52% of students need help with their essays and other papers on a regular basis.
- About 13% use some extra writing help occasionally.
- 35% of the surveyed said they never used help when writing their papers.
As for the second question:
- Over half of all the students who admitted regularly using external help with essay writing and homework said they preferred to pay money for homework help from a professional tutor or expert writer. This included:
- Online tutoring help (tutoring services, essay writing services)
- In-person tutoring help from an experienced tutor
- Peer tutoring (in-school tutoring)
- 35% said their parents or other family members helped them complete their school writing assignments.
- The rest said they did not have a particular source of writing help but rather used all the help they could find.
Resume: The majority of students who need additional assistance with their homework prefer getting such help online or in-person from a professional writer. Among other interesting homework facts, we’d like to point out is the quality of tutoring help as the most frequently mentioned factor of all that influence their decision to turn to external assistance. It means that today’s students choose to pay for the advice and practical aid more if it is provided by an expert.
What Skills Are the Most Essential?
- Time-management skills: 95% of all students named time-management as one of the skills every student needs to develop;
- Critical thinking and problem solving skills: 78% of voters said their homework tasks often required them to use these skills;
- Writing skills: 78% of the poll participants said writing was the most difficult aspect of their academic experience and mentioned having strong writing skills as one of the crucial factors influencing students’ academic success;
- Organizational skills: 74% of the surveyed students said good learning starts with good planning;
- Basic reading and math skills: 20% said basic reading and math skills were enough to succeed academically.
How to Cope with the Negative Effects of Homework Overload?
These are just a few of the many techniques offered by the students who participated in the poll. Hopefully, you will find some of them useful.
- Plan ahead. The main point here is to turn your writing into a routine to make it less stressful. Take time to think over your writing process and then just stick to your schedule.
- Take regular breaks. This can help you stay clear-headed and effective.
- Choose a place free of distractions where you can work on your essay undisturbed.
- Prepare everything you need in advance. Prepare your materials, textbooks, and stuff so that you will not have to go looking for it later as well as refresh your memory by reviewing essay writing tips.
- Divide your essay writing into several parts. Do not try to do it all at one go.
- Start with the part you like best. This will not only be more effective but also cheer you up a great deal!
If you better acquire a visual information, take a look at this picture:
There Is One Place to Go When You Need Writing Help!
If your essay or book review is due tomorrow and you feel you are completely out of ideas, do consider turning to professional guidance for inspiration or even direct writing help! Our custom paper writing service has some of the most talented and skilled writers who can complete any assignment within your deadline and tailor it to your very specific requirements! writers will create a perfect essay from scratch and ensure it complies with all writing standards! Your teacher or professor will never suspect anything!
Trust us to produce a 100% unique and quality paper for you while you can take care of your other commitments!