Personal Essay for Medical Course
When I was a child, my cousin, who was of the same age, died of a particularly vicious flu. This case, however trivial it may sound, impressed me so greatly that I decided to connect my life with medicine when I grow up, so that I would be able to study the disease, understand how it functions and, probably, will be able to save somebody else from undergoing the same experience. By the time I reached high school, this resolution became rather lukewarm, but still I tried to apply it to several biology and medical clubs; and, surprisingly, it turned out that my early decision was completely correct, for biology and medicine became the subjects that I enjoyed particularly throughout my high school years.
Since then, I tried to further develop my interests and, throughout my undergraduate years, took three public health courses in order to familiarize myself with the system of health care in this country and understand how it works and, in perspective, how it can be improved. At the present time, I study biology with specific concentration on microbiology and infectious diseases. I have experience of work in a medical laboratory in Oldcreek, Kansas, where I had an opportunity to see how real research in epidemiology is being done.
I am most interested in the reputation and facilities the Northern University of Alabama provides, and heard a lot of most praising opinions of the people working there. I believe that I may become a valuable member of this scientific community in future, and learn a lot from renowned scientists who work there now. I am most interested in Doctor Bauman’s proposed method of working on pathogenic bacteria and hope to make contribution in the research done there.
After receiving the Bachelor’s degree in epidemiology, I intend to go on and further deepen my knowledge of the subject. Master’s and Doctoral degrees seem to be natural continuation of my way, and I intend to go it up to the end.
In my research work I plan to go along the lines I have defined for myself from the very beginning and try to find new, more effective ways of fighting contagious diseases that still plague people all over the world.
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